{2 minutes to read} I’m somewhat amazed by how many calls I get from individuals, lawyers, and mediators asking me to work on QDROs for people who were divorced 5, 10 and 15 years ago. The reason why people delay in getting the QDRO is not the point. The...
{3 minutes to read} Why should you have a professional draft the QDRO instead of doing it yourself or, for that matter, having a general practice attorney do it? There are a lot of details that go into dividing up any kind of pension or retirement plan. Without a...
{3:00 minutes to read} Most people know that QDROs can be used to divide up any kind of retirement plan as part of a divorce settlement. What is not so well known is that they can also be used to collect child support or maintenance/spousal support/alimony as well. At...
{5:00 minutes to read} Recently I was consulted by two attorneys about how to handle a QDRO where the husband was already retired and the wife was still working. One of the things to note about this type of situation is that the pension that is already being paid out...
Steven L. Abel Telephone: 845-638-4666 Fax: 845-634-1675 Email:[email protected] Mailing Address & Physical Location:
101 South Broadway
Nyack, NY 10960